Saturday, November 11, 2017

"That's Just the Way It Is"

So I pick up a guy at the airport this past Wed.  He lives close to U of R, so it's about a 25 minute ride.  We had an easy rapport and good conversation.  We talk basketball, history, and food from my very limited repertoire.  I ask him why he has to travel so much and he tells me it goes with the territory--a large component of his job.  He was returning from Florida that afternoon and would be leaving Richmond again the following morning.  I ask him, "What exactly do you do?".  He replies that he is a sound engineer. You guessed it.  He's the sound engineer for Bruce Hornsby. I tell him that I am a big fan and have two of his albums (still a vinyl addict).  I start to sing my favorite Bruce Hornsby basketball song, "Take Me to the Old Playground".  He tells me that the band hasn't performed that one in concert in forever, but promises me that he will tell Bruce that his Uber driver sang that song for him.  You're welcome, Minneapolis. You probably got to hear that song Friday night because of me.

1 comment:

  1. New video game set to be released for Sega Genesis - DRMCD
    This is one of the few 속초 출장샵 Sega Genesis games that have been included on this list. 과천 출장샵 This is the first time 남양주 출장샵 that one 순천 출장마사지 of these is 태백 출장마사지
