Saturday, November 11, 2017

More Uber Notes

So on Thurs. I pick up a guy at a hotel in Petersburg and take him to a Family Medical Practice in Sutherland, Dinwiddie Co.  It's so far out, he is not sure he can get an Uber ride later.  I tell him to just call me and I'll help him out.  When I pick him up at the end of his work day, it turns out that he is going back to Charlottesville, Va.  He just finished his last day of work.  He is a third year medical student at U of Va. He shares that the job is part of his medical training.  He is travelling light for having been in the area for over a month. He has one small box of food, one small bag of clothes, and his bike, which we throw in the back of my truck. On the ride to his home, he shares his passion for bike riding and tells me he rides his bike from his hotel in Petersburg to Sutherland every day.  Wow.  Then he tells me of a long bike trip he took.  He says something about St. Louis and then Oregon.  Hold on a minute.  You rode your bike to Oregon?  "Yep".  I said, "You ought to write a book".  He said, "I did".  He gave me the copy pictured above but forgot to sign it.

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