Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Yesterday I made a post directly to Facebook requesting that my friends "like, comment, share" or to either call or email me about details, or to buy the trailer. I made a similar appeal on Facebook through my Return of the Moops blog.  I did that at about 9AM.  Today, as of 4:20 AM, between the two posts, there have been 8 likes, two comments and 5 shares.  I am a little disappointed.  I made an appeal because I really needed help with the time left on my lease being so short.  So here is another appeal directly to my Facebook friends. Please help me sell my trailer by sharing this post with your circle of friends on Facebook.  I am assuming that there a lot of friends of friends that I don't know who may be interested.  It's is better to assume that than to assume that my Facebook friends are not really friends.  Regardless of my disappointment, the demographics of the people who responded are quite interesting.  All three of my sons shared the post.  All of the respondents were males, with the exception being my wife.  All of the respondents were either family members or former athletes from Atlantic Christian College, with the exception of one person being a former co-worker. Of the Atlantic Christian College athletes, two were on the basketball team and one was on the baseball team.  All of the people who responded were white, with the exception of one African American.  Only two responders were under 30 years old. None of my old friends from Henrico High School or the Northminster Baptist Church youth group responded, which kind of surprised me.  I can't waite to see what develops today.  As of now, I would like to thank Allen Searson, Robert Pegues, Joe Murray, and David Phares for helping me out.

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