Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Worlds Collide

 Reinhard Heydrich, one of Hitler's top henchmen in the Nazi regime

Trevor Lawrence,  freshman quarterback of the Clemson Tigers

I love Nazi history stuff and I also love football.  It was inevitable that at some point, these two time consuming passions had some overlap.  Watching Trevor Lawrence masterfully execute the Clemson offense a few weeks ago, his appearance started to nag me with a haunting familiarity. And here is the reason why. I have been reading and watching documentaries about the Nazi top brass for years, especially those closest to Hitler. Last week, it clicked.  Does anyone else see the resemblance?  Let's hope that Trevor Lawrence has a better future than Reinhard Heydrich had when he was in his prime.


  1. Exactly. I was watching the Jets and Jaguars game this evening and thought ... darn, I've seen that face before. A scary coincidence ... Heydrich was 6 ft 3 in and Lawrence is 6 ft 6 in. The facial structure is similar. Glad to see somebody else saw that!

  2. I’m from Japan and I exactly thouythe same thing and just searched on the internet.

  3. Yes, saw him for the first time when watching divisional play-off. Realized immediately that he looks like Heydrich.
