Friday, December 8, 2017

Is the NFL's Implosion Worth Noting?

Absolutely.  The NFL has become such an iconic brand in America, and has become so popular, it is representative of us as a nation.  The NFL is reflective of us because it has woven itself into the fabric of our national psyche.  We have grown to love it during its rise to its current status.  The NFL has become a cultural mirror, upon which we can evaluate ourselves, if we dare.  It is because of this evaluation and analysis of this institution that I have become critical of it.  I have spent a good amount of time sharing my opinion about the NFL rather than watching it this season. And while I have not yet called for a NATIONAL BOYCOTT OF THE SUPERBOWL, the key word there being "yet", I am considering doing so.

Roger Goodell just signed another contract extension.  He has already made over $200 million in his current position and the new contract will double that amount.  He has become filthy rich and we the fans are the enablers, because we have made the men who pay Roger's salary filthy rich.  Good for Roger.  Roger is paid by the team owners, indirectly by our dime, because we are the ones who watch the games on TV and buy the advertiser's products.  We the fans are the ones who used to fill the stadiums (just look at the photos) every Sunday, Monday and Thursday. We the fans are the ones who buy our teams sweatshirts, hats and other memorabilia.  When the NFL finally crumbles, we will be there to witness it.  At least Roger will be comfortable enough financially to retire.

The implosion of the NFL is worth noting because the leadership is too self absorbed to be self aware of how it fits into our society.  It has led from behind on the "Anthem Kneeling" issue from the beginning.  It has tried to stop the leaks in the dam with one incorrect public relations stunt after another, rather than recognizing and addressing the real problem.  The NFL  has pissed off about half of its loyal fan base and can't figure out why everyone is abandoning them.  How can people making so much money act so stupidly?  This is reflective of our nation's leaders.  They are too self absorbed to be self aware.  The Establishment in Washington is too entrenched in its own delusions to recognize why Donald Trump is our new President.  It too will remain blissfully ignorant when Trump wins a second election in 2020.  The NFL's Apocalypse is upon us, and our nation's is not far behind.

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