Sunday, September 18, 2016

Uber Smuber

This past week, Uber tested a proto-type of the driverless vehicles they plan to use in the future.  On the Sunday morning news today, I saw the CEO of Lyft being interviewed and saying that they plan on offering the same services as Uber.  The Lyft dude thought driverless vehicles would be the norm within 10 years.  I watched with great interest because I drive for Uber now, and was curious about how soon they plan on replacing me with a robot.  I did a little digging and came across an article I wrote for Machine Design Magazine way back in 2005.  This article describes manless robotic vehicles too.  Back then, DARPA (the research arm of the Department of Defense) had been mandated by the Congress of the United States to make 30% of its vehicles driverless by the year 2015.  That didn't happen either.  I am sharing the link to the article for my techie friends.  If you aren't a techie, you will probably not enjoy the article.

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