Sunday, June 30, 2019

Bacon's Castle

     I wanted to let all my friends and family know that I came out of my "official" retirement this week and started working as a Historical Interpreter at Bacon's Castle in Surry County, Virginia.  Bacon's Castle is the oldest brick dwelling in North America and was built in 1665 by early Virginia merchant and planter, Arthur Allen.  It is one of only 3 examples in the "New World" of High Jacobean architecture, the other two being in Barbados.  In addition to this unique design and style, the history of the building and the people who lived there reflect the many changes of our country over the last 350 plus years and manifest a fascinating past that mirrors who we have become as a  nation.  I hope you will come see me at Bacon's Castle soon and celebrate our past.  Bring your enthusiasm and a willingness to learn something new.  I look forward to seeing you there soon.