Thursday, May 12, 2016

Nazi Fun Facts

You know that obtrusive, yellow, six-pointed, Star of David that every Jew in Nazi Germany had to wear?  Of course you do...everybody does.  Turns out that the practice did not start in Germany during the 1930's at all.  Nope, King Edward I of England, nicknamed the Longshanks, (yep, that king portrayed in the movie "Braveheart") started that practice after coming to power in 1272.  Ironic since there were only about 3,000 Jews in England at the time.  Longshanks rounded up all the heads of each Jewish household to boot and had them executed.  According to one source that number was "about 300" and to another source, "269".  Longhanks for good measure didn't mind torturing Jews or more importantly, extorting money from them to finance his military exploits against the Scots.  He eventually kicked them out of the country, foreshadowing practices of Hitler's Germany. This time frame is right in the middle of The Myth of the Andalusian Paradise, that period of history in Spain that Obama keeps lying to us about, refering to the benevelent rule of Isam on the Iberian peninsula, or Islam's Golden Age, but that's another story for tomorrow.

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